



TekExpress Automotive Ethernet (100/1000BASE-T1) Automated Compliance Solution - DPO-MSO 5000/B-7000C-70000C-D-DX-SX - V10.4.0

Tektronix TekExpress Automotive Ethernet solution provides automated compliance test support for 100Base-T1 (IEEE Std.802.3bw), 1000Base-T1 (IEEE Std 802.3bp™-2016) standard and Open Alliance TC8 ECU for PMA Transmitter electrical specifications tests. The compliance software allows for complete or selective testing of any of the transmitter electrical specifications including complete Oscilloscope control of the required setups. Software setup flexibility allows for design validation, margin analysis and repeatable compliance testing while reducing instrument setup difficulties. Additionally, the software can generate a comprehensive date-stamped test report with pass/fail results including Oscilloscope display waveform and data plots.

該当製品: DPO5104B, DPO5204B, MSO5104B, MSO5204B, DPO70404C, DPO70604C, DPO70804C, DPO7104C, DPO71254C, DPO71604C, DPO72004C, DPO7254C, DPO7354C, DSA70404C, DSA70604C, DSA70804C, DSA71254C, DSA71604C, DSA72004C, MSO70404C, MSO70604C, MSO70804C, MSO71254C, MSO71604C, MSO72004C, DPO72504D, DPO73304D, DSA72504D, DSA73304D, DPO72304DX, DPO72504DX, DPO73304DX, MSO72304DX, MSO72504DX, MSO73304DX, DPO71304SX, DPO71604SX, DPO72304SX, DPO73304SX
