




2281S-20-6型ダイナミック・バッテリ・シミュレータおよびTFT LCDディスプレイ付きの高精度DCベンチ電源は、バッテリ・モデルを使用して、放電サイクル中のバッテリの応答をエミュレートできます。モデルは、バッテリが電力を供給する製品の平均消費電流に基づいており、バッテリ寿命の推定に使用できるほか、異なる充電状態における製品の性能も解析できます。認定校正には、すぐに使用できる5つの内蔵バッテリ・エミュレータ・モデルが付属しています。

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US $4,270 +













  • 充電状態の関数として使用される、オープン回路電圧と内部抵抗を含む101ポイントのモデル
  • 製品の平均消費電流に基づいたモデルの作成が可能
  • 本製品には、すぐに使用できる5つの内蔵バッテリ・モデルが付属しています。





  • オープン回路電圧(Voc)をプログラムする場合は、他のすべてのモデル・パラメータはオープン回路電圧設定に対応して変化
  • または、充電状態(SOC)をプログラムする場合は、他のすべてのモデル・パラメータはSOC設定に対応して変化






  • 右側のバッテリ・アイコンにオープン回路電圧、測定された端子電圧、負荷電流を表示
  • 左側のバッテリ・アイコンには、SOC、残り容量(アンペア・アワー)、内部抵抗を表示


型名 概要 出力数 最大電圧 最大電流 価格 Configure And Quote
1 20V 6A US $4,270 構成と見積り

Powerful Battery Emulator & Simulator: The Keithley 2281S

The Keithley 2281S allows you to emulate the performance of a battery over a discharge cycle. This feature makes it perfect for reliably and repeatably testing product performance under any state of battery discharge. With its interactive GUI that continuously displays the state of the battery, you can easily view key parameters of battery models, including open circuit voltage, equivalent series resistance, remaining capacity, and state of charge.

How to Emulate Battery Performance

Here are the steps to perform battery emulation with the Keithley 2281S:

  1. Connect the Keithley 2281S Battery Simulator and Emulator to your product under test.

  2. Choose the battery model that best matches the battery you're emulating. The Keithley 2281S comes with 5 built-in battery models ready to be used, as well as the ability to generate your own models by charging a physical battery with the 2281S.

  3. Set the battery simulator for any state of charge, such as near the completely discharged state, to determine how a product performs under a low battery condition and to determine minimum operating voltages.

  4. Monitor the state of the battery continuously using the interactive GUI and view key parameters of battery models.

Benefits of Battery Emulation

The benefits of using the Keithley 2281S for battery emulation are numerous. By emulating the performance of a battery over its discharge cycle, you can estimate battery life and analyze product performance over the life of the battery. This allows you to get quick and accurate results for your testing needs. Additionally, the Keithley 2281S is highly customizable, with the ability to create your own battery models from physical batteries.

Choosing a Battery Emulator for Seamless Testing and Simulation

When it comes to efficient testing and accurate simulation of battery-dependent systems, selecting the right battery emulator is crucial. A battery emulator replicates the behavior of real batteries, enabling developers to assess the performance and reliability of their devices under various conditions. Whether you're working on electric vehicles, renewable energy systems, portable electronics, or any other battery-driven application, making an informed choice can streamline your testing processes and enhance product development.

Key considerations for choosing a battery emulator:

  1. Voltage and Current Capacity

  2. Dynamic Response and Load Transients

  3. Programmability and Customization

  4. Regenerative Capability

  5. Voltage and Current Accuracy

  6. Compatibility and Integration

  7. Safety Features

  8. User Interface and Software

  9. Support and Documentation

Voltage and Current Capacity

One of the primary considerations when choosing a battery emulator is matching the voltage and current capacity to your application's requirements. Emulators come in various voltage and current ranges, so it's essential to opt for one that aligns with the specifications of your system. This ensures accurate testing and realistic simulation of your device's behavior.

Dynamic Response and Load Transients

Battery-operated devices often experience dynamic changes in load that impact their performance. A high-quality battery emulator should provide excellent dynamic response, accurately mimicking load transients. Look for features such as fast voltage and current slew rates to ensure precise emulation of sudden load fluctuations.

Programmability and Customization

Flexibility is key when it comes to testing diverse battery-powered systems. Choose a battery emulator that offers programmability and customization options. This allows you to emulate various battery chemistries, states of charge, and discharge profiles, accommodating the specific needs of your testing scenarios.

Regenerative Capability

Regenerative battery emulators are capable of feeding energy back into the grid instead of dissipating it as heat. This feature not only enhances energy efficiency but also reduces operating costs. When sustainable practices are a priority, opting for a regenerative battery emulator can be advantageous. 

Voltage and Current Accuracy

Precise testing requires accurate emulation of battery behavior. Select an emulator with high voltage and current accuracy to ensure that your test results reflect real-world performance. This level of accuracy is particularly crucial when assessing the efficiency and reliability of your devices.

Compatibility and Integration

Consider the compatibility of the battery emulator with your existing test setup and equipment. Ensure that the form factor of the battery emulator works within your test space. Look for emulators that offer a range of communication interfaces and protocols to facilitate seamless interaction with your testing environment.

Safety Features

Safety is paramount when dealing with battery emulation, as improper handling can lead to hazardous situations. Ensure the emulator comes with safety features such as overcurrent and overvoltage protection, thermal monitoring, and emergency shutdown capabilities. These features safeguard your equipment, personnel, and the environment.

User Interface and Software

A user-friendly interface and comprehensive software can greatly enhance the usability of the battery emulator. Intuitive software allows you to configure, control, and monitor the emulator effectively. Look for emulators that offer graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and remote control options for added convenience.

Support and Documentation

When investing in a battery emulator, reliable support and comprehensive documentation are invaluable. Check if the manufacturer provides thorough user manuals, application notes, and responsive customer support. This ensures that you can maximize the potential of your emulator and address any issues promptly.

In conclusion, choosing the right battery emulator involves a careful evaluation of voltage and current capacity, dynamic response, programmability, regenerative capability, accuracy, compatibility, safety features, user interface, and support. By considering these key factors, you can select a battery emulator that aligns with your testing needs and facilitates accurate simulation for your battery-dependent applications.

型名 概要 出力数 最大電圧 最大電流 価格 Configure And Quote
1 20V 6A US $4,270 構成と見積り





  • 最大14のモデルを2281S-20-6型に読み込み可能
  • 最高20Vのバッテリ電圧に対応
  • 最高100Ωの内部抵抗に対応



電子負荷として、ケースレーの2450型または2460型ソース・メジャー・ユニットを使用することで、バッテリの放電や、2281S-20-6型用のバッテリ・モデルの作成が行えます。 2450型または2460型は、非常に小さな電流(1nA未満)、放電状態のバッテリをシミュレートできます。


  • バッテリ・メーカのデータに基づいてバッテリ・モデルを作成することも可能
  • バッテリ・モデルは直列・並列のどちらの構成にも対応




2281Sシリーズ・バッテリ・シミュレータは、 0.02%のソース設定確度、リモート・センシング機能、0.05%の電流測定確度を備えた、高精度電源としても使用できます。


  • 電圧の設定分解能:1mV
  • 最小電流レンジにおける分解能:10nA


battery sim




  • カスタム・バッテリ・モデルの生成、編集、およびシミュレーション機能
  • レスポンシブ・ユーザ・インタフェースにより、リアルタイムで充電状態のシミュレーションの変更が可能
  • データ収集をリアルタイムで視覚化する表およびグラフ表示
  • ローカル・ドライブのリポジトリに保存されている複数のバッテリ・モデルの閲覧機能
  • KickStartソフトウェアとのモデルのインポートおよびエクスポート機能
  • 動的および静的バッテリ・モデル
    • 動的バッテリ・モデルはリアルタイムで値を更新
  • バッテリのVOC、Vt、SOC、ESR、電流、および容量の視覚表示
  • 操作モードが3つの使いやすいアプリでユーザ・エラーを減少